welcome to School of Music and Recording Arts

Gan Ling

Source:  Time:2017-11-06   ClickTimes:10

Gan Ling

Personal profile

Academic background: Field of study: Title Degree: Doctor lecturer Course: Department: Recording Department

◆ educational background

● 2003 - Present lecturer at Communication University of China

● 2007-2008 year by the China Scholarship Council young teachers to study abroad project to the University of Southern California as visiting scholar

● 2004 - present, Communication University of China Film Aesthetics graduate doctor

● 2000 -2003 2003 Beijing Film Academy Film Academy film recording and theoretical direction graduate master

● 1996 - 2000 Beijing Broadcasting Institute Institute of Television Arts Department of acoustic director BA

◆ teach courses

● audio-visual language

● video recording

● video sound quality appreciation

● video sound art

◆ research, papers

● 2001 in the Beijing Film Academy second issue of academic papers  Mood for Love sound creative analysis

● In 2002, the academic paper entitled Art Reproduction of Movie Sounds was published in the academic monograph entitled Aesthetic Space Extension and Development - Film Sound Art Theory published by China Film Press

● In 2002, the academic thesis A New Interpretation of Film Music was published in the academic monograph Aesthetic Space Extension and Development - Film Sound Art Theory published by China Film Press

● In 2002, the film was published in the first issue of Contemporary Movies

● In 2002, the film analysis was published in the second issue of Contemporary Movies Only I respect and love who is Who - The biggest names voice analysis

● In 2002, she worked as a translator in the instruction manual of digital audio recording equipment

● 2002, The Sound of Film and TV (Huaxia Publishing House) as chapter 8, 9, 10 translation work

● 2003 Beijing Film Academy published on the film and television advertising in the sound design.

● 2007 Tongji University Journal of Sociology published China's large-scale sound phenomenon

● 2007 Asian Film Analysis (China Film Press) published a book monsoon wedding sound analysis and flying dance music analysis two articles;

● In 2009, Film and Television Technology magazine published an article entitled Sound Design Analysis of Bombardment Unit (writing 4,500 words)

● 2010 independent translator completed by the China Film Publishing House sound design and science fiction movie book.

● Participated in translation in 2011 Completed the book The Art of Movie Sound Practice (third translator) published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Press.

● In 2012, there was a book entitled Film Sound Art and Recording Technology: History, Creation and Theory (Series 2) (second author) published by China Film Publishing House.


 中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院 © 2012   |   北京市朝阳区定福庄东街一号 100024     

   School of Music and Recording Arts,CUC.  |  Tel: 0086-010-65783256